Monday, June 6, 2016

Dante Beukes won the 2nd Leg of the Grand Prix Series

CM Dante Beukes is a gifted young lad, who breaks all records, The youngest at 12 years, to get a Chess Master Title in Namibia, the youngest 13 years,  to qualify for the Olympiad Team. The youngest to win an Open Rapid Chess Tournament.

Otto, Dante(Winner), and Icha
Saturday, 4 June 2016 was another day with splendid results. Dante is gaining momentum and will soon be an unstoppable force. Dedication, hard work, investment and parental guidance are the cornerstone of his success.

We are proud of you Dante and are waiting for your Grandmaster title. Yes, he has all the potential and innate qualities to get that title with ease. It will be another first for Namibia.
The Two Little Girls Oyo 5yrs and Jamie-Nicole 8 yrs

Jamie-Nicole his younger sister is not far behind. She won the Girls section with a perfect score of 7/7.
The cherry on the cake is, Oyo Hinda the 5 year old star from TWCA who scored 6/7 ahead of high school girls. She enjoyed the event thoroughly and can wait to impress more.

Well done to the Trio  from TWCA, We are super proud of you all.