The Namibia National Junior School Chess team participated at their maiden international chess match on 26 August 2009. The invitation came from the Primary School MenloPark who plans to visit Namibia Next year 2010. Three students from TWCA , Julian, Jack and Nicola were part of the team that went to South Africa.
Four School teams participated and Namibia came third. The Namibian Team was lead by Jossel Hindjou as head of the delegation. He was assisted by National Chess Coach Charles Eichab and Mr. Hamukweya. The NSSU and the Namibia Chess Federation joined hands to select the team at several qualifying events which was held earlier this year.
"Mrs Annamarie Hechter of the LS Menlopark made all arrangements with the team from Namibia, regarding their visit to SA, the chess event as well as sight-seeing in Pretoria and accommodating the group. On the 26 Aug all the participating school teams and the Namibian guests were treated with typical Pretorian hospitality by especially the Laerskool Menlopark, the Principal and staff who really went out of their way to entertain the Namibian guests.
The day started with a formal opening ceremony where the national anthems of Namibia and South Africa were played and the respective countries' flags hoisted. Formal and informal photos were taken. Refreshments for both officials and players were plentiful and the players were treated to memorabilia and gifts in every round! The hall and playing tables were exquisitely decorated with flags and everything nice, including notation pads and pens. The boards and pieces were supplied by Telkom for the day; every team supplied their own chess timers."
In the picture is the Namibian team during their trip in the NSSU colors. Congratulations on the entire team for their result.